Monday, September 03, 2012

After life

What happens when we die?
Obviously, we stop breathing, and our heart stops beating. And so what happens is that within about 10 seconds, brain activity ceases —we become cold.
But that’s what happens to our physical self. What about our souls?
From a Noetic Science experiment in 1988: We now know that, the human soul weighs 1/3,000th of an ounce! That’s the astonishing claim of East German researchers who recently weighed more than 200 terminally ill patients just before, and immediately after, their deaths. In each case the weight loss was exactly the same–1/3,000th of an ounce.” The inescapable conclusion is that we have now confirmed the existence of the human soul and determined its weight,” Dr. Becker Mertens of Dresden said in a letter printed in the German science journal Horizon.
According to acclaimed author, Deepak Chopra- souls stay in layers of time, trapped in parallel universes, in countless worlds.
Okay. So now we know that we have souls. But it only raises more questions than answers, like- what is it like? What exactly happens when we die? Would we know that we no longer breathe? Is it painful? Can we feel the wind on our face or drizzling rain on our skin? Do we smile? Can we think? How do we know that we are dead, if we are dead?
For example if I’d died this very morning, would I know it?
It was a beautiful morning, nothing extraordinary, but just the way I love it! Clouds had sheltered the lush greenery in our garden, from the mercy less tropical sun. The raindrops had ornamented the creamy roses and its vivid leaves with Chrystal droplets. My lazy cat couched on my cosy lap as I sat by the window with my smoking coffee mug. Aww! Just like those old witches from European country. Souls, who have devoted their lives to the mysticisms of nature. I envy those who have all the time they need to observe the love of God in His minutely detailed gifts. I envy those who can harness His warmth from every touch from every smile in every moment of life.
For the rest of us there is only the rush of the day and the fatigued nights. Alarm clocks and lusty porn sites! 
Would it all change if we die, will we have time to see hours pass by? Will I have the time to tell people how much they mean to me? Will I have time to find that girl in white, who once smiled at me, and then vanished in the busy metropolitan swarm?
What if I did die in that road accident this morning, when the speeding car hit my bicycle and knocked me unconscious, flat on the road? 
(The first thing I’d probably do is- I’ll tell my mom that her fish curry sucks!)
Well, I survived without a scratch. I got up and came back home straight. I went to my brother’s room, said “I love you”, and gave him a squeezing hug. It’s actually his bicycle that’s lying in the garage (and it’s not in one piece)!

“They only see what they want to see…they don’t know that they are dead” – a quote from the 1999 movie THE SIXTH SENSE, a psychological horror film written and directed by M. Night Shyamalan.
When I got back to my room I noticed that my lazy fat assed cat was comfortably couched on the pillow by the window, just where I left it, the steaming coffee mug rests by its side. Wait a sec. how is the coffee still steamy? I remember I finished it well before I left! That’s weird!
But any ways! Now, if I were dead by any chance (and M. Night Shyamalan is to be believed), I would really wana see that fat ass cat do rumba like Garfield. Right now!
Naa, I actually like the way it’s sleeping, with all the peace and pleasure. There is, a certain calm, a certain serenity to it. It is a beautiful morning, nothing extraordinary, but just the way I love it!

It is a work of friction .
By Arka Patra.

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